Commas and periods in Italian numbers

Before we continue with large numbers, we need to know something important about numbers in Italian that is different from English-speaking countries. This is to do with dividing the written number with commas and periods.

Commas and Periods in Italian

The way commas and periods are used in large numbers in Italian, is the reverse of what is done in English.

In English we use commas to divide the thousands e.g. 12,345 – There is a comma after the number twelve.

HOWEVER in Italian, a period is used instead of a comma. So, the number already mentioned would be written 12.345 in Italian.

Compare the following:

  • 9,876 (English) – 9.876 (Italian)
  • 246,017 (English) – 246.017 (Italian)
  • 1,3247,968 (English) -1.3247.968 (Italian)
  • 8,554,631,902 (English) – 8.554.631.902 (Italian)

The reverse also happens with numbers less than one (= decimal numbers). Instead of using a decimal point as in English, a comma is used instead.

  • 35.8 (English) – 35,8 (Italian)
  • 9,876.3 (English) – 9.876,3 (Italian)
  • $1.75 (English) – $1,75 (Italian)

The Italian word for comma is virgola. The Italian word for period/full stop is punto (though just as in English, punto isn’t said when saying large numbers).

  • 3,8 – tre virgola otto
  • 27,9 – ventisette virgola nove
  • 6.457,3 – seimila quattrocentocinquantasette virgola tre
Lesson tags: Numbers, Numeri, Punctuation
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