What is an article?

What is an article?

An article is a small word used to say whether we are talking about a specific noun (noun = name of a thing, person etc.) or a noun in general.

In English the articles are a, an, the.

THE is a definite article. – It refers to something specific.

  • I need the book. (It is a specific book, one that we both know about)

A and AN are indefinite articles. – They refer to something in general.

  • I need a book. (It is book in general. I don’t specify the book I need… any book is fine)

In Italian an article is called articolo (singular) articoli (plural).

Just as in English, Italian articles are divided into two types:

  • Definite article = articolo determinativo
  • Indefinite article = articolo indeterminativo

We will see more about both types of articles in Italian in the next lessons…

Lesson tags: Articles, Articoli, Grammar
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